
  • A Notebook is what is created by Dartfish Note. It contains a list of events and timings which act as an index of what happened in the game.
  • In the app, the Notebook lists the events and also overall information about the game.


  • A panel contains the buttons used to create events and describe them.
  • The Panels section of the app is where new panels are created. In the Notebooks section, a panel is selected and used to create and describe events.


  • Throughout the Dartfish product range, a keyword is a word or phrase which describes a video, or an event within it.
  • In Dartfish Note, buttons are used to assign keywords to an event. Normally the keyword assigned will be the same as the label which appears on the button but it is possible to over-ride this. For example, smartphone users will find it useful to abbreviate what is displayed to make better use of the screen space.


  • Most keywords are assigned to a button as the panel is created but it is also possible to change the edit method to Picklist. Doing so allows the keyword to be selected even while the Notebook is being used to tag the game.
  • In this scenario, you might design your panel with the keyword "Goal keeper" assigned to a button but before tagging you would select that day's goalkeeper from a picklist. Should the goalkeeper sustain an injury during the game you can long tap the button to substitute another player's name.

Notebook keyword

  • Keywords can be assigned to a Notebook. They are used to help it to be located on
  • When a Dartfish software user searches for files to import, the results will reveal Notebooks which have the search term in their title, description or keywords.
  • Keywords are also the way that video content is found on You can learn more about about maximizing the usefulness of keywords in this tutorial.

Button group and category property

  • A button group defines certain properties for all buttons in the group. This avoids having to set these properties individually - saving time and avoiding errors. Any properties not defined here are changed by editing the buttons themselves.
  • Changing the button group properties after buttons have been added affects all those buttons.
  • The category property is a button group property. Dartfish software users will be familiar with this property as it defines the column of the events list to which a button's keyword will be added. Unlike Dartfish software and our Easytag app, the category property cannot be set for individual buttons

Duration and preroll

  • When you are tagging with Note, you aren't only defining a position within a video, you are defining a segment. The length of this segment is the duration.
  • Preroll defines the start of the event relative to when the button is tapped. A preroll of 10 seconds would mark the start of the event 10 seconds before the button tap.
  • Example: When a shot is taken you will only be able to tap the button after you have seen it. By setting duration = 15s and preroll = 15s and tapping the button after the outcome of the shot is determined your event will cover the 15 s leading up to the shot, the shot itself and the outcome.
  • Duration and preroll are not cumulative. In the example above, the duration of the event is still 15 seconds not 30 seconds. This combination of preroll and duration defines that the entire event takes place before the button tap.


  • When you create your panel you can define a term for period which makes sense in your sport. For example for a soccer game, you would use "Half". Tennis coaches might use "Set".
  • As a Notebook is created it is segmented by these periods and events created are tagged with that information - allowing you to distinguish between events of the first half and events of the second half.
  • A 'Period' column will be added to the Dartfish events list after import
  • The period concept also aids synchronization with video when the game has been recorded as multiple files. Rather than creating multiple Notebooks, one for each recording, a single notebook divided into periods can be synchronized with each of the videos.
  • Of course, the easiest scenario will be to record the entire game as one file, because then only one synchronization will be required - but we appreciate that is not always practical so we can only help you juggle a few less files by allowing you to segment your notebook into periods
  • If you have recorded the game as one video but your Notebook is divided into periods, you can import all periods at once. In this scenario, Dartfish compensates for the time between periods and events are kept in synch.