It is possible to publish events to a Telegram channel during Live capture or Replay tagging using the automation rules for events

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Set up Telegram

Set up Dartfish software

Retrieve the Chat ID of a Telegram channel


  • myDartfish Pro S software
  • Admin rights on a Telegram Channel
  • A Telgram bot

Set up Telegram

  • Download the desktop version of Telegram on the same PC that is running Dartfish
  • Create your own Telegram bot using BotFather. To do so, open the link and click on Open in Telegram. This will open the BotFather channel in the Telegram desktop app
  • Type /newbot in this channel to create a new bot. BotFather will ask you to choose a name and a username for this bot
  • Write down the Bot API key (highlighted in red here above). You will need it in Dartfish software. Keep it secure as it can be used by anyone to control the bot.
  • Add your bot to your Telegram channel and grant him admin rights

Set up Dartfish software

  • Launch Dartfish Pro S software and go to Replay or Live
  • In the event pane, open the Automation Rule Manager
  • Set the conditions of the rule and under "Perform the following actions" select "Publish events to Telegram"

  • Enter the Bot API Key and the Chat ID

MacroResulting text
$(Title)Name of the event
$(Description)Description of the event
$(Keywords)All the keywords of the event
$(Keywords:Category)All the keywords of the specified category of the event
$(Keyword1:Category)The first keyword of the specified category (same logic for the 2nd, 3rd, etc.. keyword)
$(PublishDate)Current date
  • Caption: $(PublishDate) - Point won by $(Keyword:Point Winner)
  • Title on Telegram: 01.05.2022 - Point won by Roger Federer

Retrieve the Chat ID of a Telegram channel

The Chat Id of a channel  link of your channel to this bot

  • Log in to Telegram Web and follow the appropriate instruction.
  • For public channels: click on the channel name and check its URL

  • For private channels: click on the channel name and check its URL
  • Copy the numbers before the underscore and replace the "c" with "-100"

Chat ID and Telegram supergroups

When a Telegram channels reaches 201+ members, it is automatically transformed into a "supergroup" and it receives a new chat ID. This new ID must be retrieved and added to the Telegram export rule in Dartfish software