Important: a new version of Dartfish API has been released. You have until the 31st of December 2022 to update your system and replace the channel key. Past this date the existing key will not work
Find the manual for the new version here:

If you are using PowerBI interactive dashboards, read the article PowerBI dashboards - Transition to API V2.0

In our constant effort to improve the quality and reliability of our services, we have released a new version of the Dartfish API V2.0 to improve the security of the platform. The Dartfish API is used to allow external platforms to interact  with

What changed?

The Dartfish API requires the use of the channel key, a unique key that allows access to all the data stored on your channel. With this key, external systems such as PowerBI can interact with your channel. This key was previously displayed on the settings page of the channel admin page. Any admin could retrieve it and the key would not change. The key will now be hidden, and admin will need to retrieve a temporary key with limited lifetime duration by signing in using the admin account

Why did we change it?

Having a permanent channel key would create a security concern, as it could easily end in the hands of external users or people no longer part of your organisation. By creating this temporary key and by forcing users to sign in to get it, we ensure that only authorized people get access to it

What will you need to do?

Replace the existing channel key by the API V2 channel key. To get the new version, follow those steps:

  1. Go to
  2. Sign in by clicking on Authorize
  3. Click on Access and enter the channel ID to get the temporary channel key

Modify the API queries to enter the right version number. Check all updated queries here:

  • Example: /api/v2/Channel/{channelId}/HomeLink

The existing API Version 1 will work until the 31st of December 2022. You have until this date to update the channel key in your systems and replace it by the temporary channel key