The zone tool is a feature of the tagging panel that gives you the possibility to use the position on the field to create or qualify events.

  1. Create a zone tool

  2. Add zones to a zone tool to define keywords

  3. Tag several points to an event

  4. Annex - useful information 

Create a zone tool

  • Open the tagging panel editor by clicking on « Edit Panel » in the Tagging Panel pane
  • Drag and drop the Zone Tool button in the tagging panel. 

  • The default zone shows a football field. You can change this and insert a picture the field for any other sport. To do this, import the image from your own laptop by clicking on the "Image" setting. 
  • You’ll find the properties to the right of the screen. 
  •  Modify (if necessary) the field’s dimension in the coordinate system (more information about the coordinate system at the bottom of thsi article).

Be carreful the system take in account the whole picture to define the dimension.You have to crop the picture or to compensate the dimension with the line and the end of the picture.

 At this point, you can already use the Zone Toolin your tagging session. The coordinates of each point you mark will be tagged in the category Field Position entered by default in the field Category

Note: the field coordinates category is used only if zones are added to the Zone tool (see next chapter).

  • In addition to add a keyword to an exising event, the zone tool can also be used to create events. CLicking on the zone tool then creates an event named after the coordinates

Add zones to a zone tool to define keywords

The zone tool gives the possibility to assign keywords to an event based on the location of the marker on the zone tool. For instance, any event happening around the goal of one team can be assigned the keyword "defense".

This can be achieved by defining zones on the zone tool. To add a zone, click on the 3 dots in the field "Zones".

  •  Then, click on add zone. Define the size, the name and the color of the zone (that color will be applied to the event . If the event already has a color, it will overwrite it). The Trigger item give the possibility to trigger an other element of the tagging pane, be it a button, a tab or any other element.
  • By default the zones are aligned on a hidden grid. You can define and position the zones freely by unticking the option "Snap to grid.

Now, the Zone tool will assign to the events the keywords linked to the added zones. To have both the position and the zone keyword, the fields "Category" and "Coordinates Category" need to be completed.

When both fields are completed, clicking on the zone tool assigns the coordinates of the click in the keyword category "Coordinates XY" and the zone-related keyword in the keyword category Field Position.


 Tag several points to an event 

There is the possibility to enter several positions to one event, for instance to tag the start and end points of a pass.

  • Click on the first point, and then press on CTRL and click on the second point. You see the trajectory on the field and  find the coordinates in the location category.

  •  More than two points can be added. Keep CTRL pressed and add as many points as you need.


Annex - useful information

  • The color of the marker can be changed in the settings column. If the marker is in a zone, it will take the color fo this zone.

  • The coordinate system may be difficult to understand as it does not follow the standard convention. By default the origin is on the top left of the picture, the vertical scale goes from top to bottom and the horizontal scale from left to right.

  • To move the origin of the coordinate, enter the values Cx and Cy. Eg:

  • To invert the axis (and so make the Y-axis go from bottom to top), enter a negative value in the Field Width and/or Height fields. Eg:
  •  When the axis are reverted, to move the origin of the coordinates they need to be substracted. Eg with a 200x100 field with inverted axis and the origin on the bottom right corner: